For more than 20 years, Cannalogix Foundation has been a leading resource in the advancement of patient care by strategically combining; standardization, data analytics, technology, compliance and other disruptive innovations to advance the medical cannabis, hemp and associated ancillary industries.

Welcome to CFRI!
In 1999, the Stormy Ray Cardholders Foundation commissioned Cannalogix: Foundation Research Institute to research, develop and disruptively innovate technologies and protocols related to the production and distribution of cannabis, hemp and indoor garden supplies to lower the cost of production for patients, caregivers and the growers responsible for caring for their needs.
Starting with indoor hydroponics, plant genetics, oil extraction, refinement, purification, isolation and manufacturing; Cannalogix continues to lead the logical path in cannabis innovation for more than two decades, putting patients, quality and consumer safety to the forefront of innovation.

CFRI is committed to disruptively innovating new solutions in medical cannabis hemp, and specialty genetics production, processing and distribution. From the start of a seed to the point of sale and consumption, CFRI has studied every angle and examined every metric.

CFRI has been consistently innovating in the medical cannabis, hemp, delivery device, diagnostics and supply chain spaces! CFRI has focused on tracking genetics and indications, leading to developing leading edge diagnostics and delivery models.

CFRI is one of the oldest independent, federally recognized research institutes in the US. Nobody has more knowledge on the plant in the US, and very few can compare globally to the expertise Cannalogix has developed through the years.

Cannalogix Research Fellows have been intimately involved in the development of the industry, positioning CFRI as an authority on quality control, assurance and process standardization. From certifying a farm for cGAP, to certifying a laboratory for cGMP, CFRI is the leading authority for the development of accredited supply chains.
CFRI = Results
Knowing what to do and what not to do, and knowing what you can do, and can’t do is invaluable in an emerging market saturated with misinformation and fraud.
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